Baslow Choir is one of the leading mixed voice choirs in North Derbyshire based in the beautiful Peak District National Park. The choir sings a wide range of music, from serious choral works to more light-hearted offerings. Here you can find out about the choir and all that we are currently involved in including concerts and charity events.
The choir was established in 1971 and in 2021 celebrated its 50th year.
You can now follow us @BaslowChoir on X/Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Links provided at the bottom of each page.
Next Concert
Spring 2025 – Saturday 5th April at St. Lawrence Church, Eyam
Select Concerts for tickets (availability TBA).
The 2025 Baslow Boot Bash is on Saturday 7th June.
New members are very welcome. Why don’t you come along to one of our rehearsals held on a Wednesday evening, from 7.30pm to 9.30pm, at the Baslow Village Hall.
Please lookout for further announcements.

COVID-19 – for more information click on the following links
Communal singing: hitting the right note – A Guardian Article